Composites FRP/GRP

We can offer both load bearing GRP and more traditional pultrude structures together with options for a GRP deck on both vehicle and pedestrian composite bridges offering a lightweight, easy to use finish to our more conventional structures.

Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) and Glass Reinforced Plastic or (GRP) bridges are suitable for areas where access is difficult.  The lightweight components are easy to man-handle and can be installed without the use of heavy machinery.  The lightweight form of this bridge design also means they can be easily installed by helicopter if the site determines this.

Benefits include: Ease of installation, reduced lead times and negligible impact on the environment.  Maintenance once installed on site is minimal greatly reducing the long-term costs.  In the (CBM) Construction and Building Materials (ISSN: 0950-0618) document it states after testing the product it was considered to have a design life span of 80 years.

When it comes to safety, this bridge construction type displays high anti-slip properties which makes it ideal for bridge decking, giving users the safety of a sure footing.  The product is also British Horse society (BHS) complaint due to noise reduction in comparison to steel or timber.

Composites FRP/GRP - Case Study

  1. Beaver POLYbridge
  2. Fisher German Towcester Pedestrian Bridge - Northamptonshire, England
  3. Bridge Replacement FRP - Bridleway Thurrock, England
  4. John Lewis Odney - Berkshire, England


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