Cannop Cycle Bridge – Coleford, England


The scheme consists of the ‘fabrication’ of a replacement stressed laminate timber arch off site. Partial demolition of the existing structure to remove the existing arch and re-erection using the replacement. The timber for the arch was procured in its raw state, cut by a Computer Numerically Controlled processor, and treated. These laminates were used to fabricate the replacement arch in Beaver Bridges Workshop, on a specially designed scaffold temporary works. The profile of the arch at all stages compared to a Point Cloud survey carried out during the initial stages. Additional temporary works will be installed once the arch is complete, bracing the arch for transport and installation. This load forms an abnormal load and will be handled by Beaver Bridges in house transport.

Beaver bridges intend to carry out the partial demolition and reassembly of the structure during a 48-hour road closure utilising a 100t crane. Temporary propping to the existing arch will be erected in advance of the closure and within traffic management to allow for the method of demolition.

The replacement arch will be lifted, in one large section direct from the transport with the temporary bracing removed once installed. All lifting planning and supervision will be carried out in house by Beaver Bridge Specialists.

Parapet repairs and surfacing after the install should see this bridge back in action my mid-March 2021.


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